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The condition of 6 lions and 3 tigers in the Washington Zoo improved after being infected with Corona

About a week after they were infected with the Corona virus “Covid 19”, the American Washington Park announced that the health of the lions and tigers in the park had improved, after they had taken medicines and had undergone full health care during the last period, after confirming that they were infected with the virus that was transmitted to them by one of the garden workers.

According to a report published by the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, the tigers and lions in the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, began to improve after suffering severe fatigue during the past days after being infected with the Corona virus, and Donald Nefer, chief veterinarian at the zoo, said: “Lions and tigers may She was infected with “Covid-19” from a zoo guard who had the disease without showing symptoms and subsequently transmitted to a large number of them.

Nefer added, in his statements, that "the zoo noticed that the lions and tigers were sick because the lions and tigers were moving with difficulty and not eating well, and soon we confirmed that they were infected after they showed a lack of appetite, and after conducting tests and giving them different treatments for Covid-19 for symptoms began now." You will recover and you will be fine soon."

And the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, announced that 6 lions and 3 tigers had been infected with the Corona virus “Covid 19”, and the side of these animals in the zoo was closed to visitors until the animals recovered from the infection.

