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November 5 Basketball Association General Assembly elections

The Board of Directors of the Basketball Association, headed by Magdy Abu Freikha, has set November 5 as the date for the elections for the Federation's General Assembly, to choose a board of directors to lead the Federation in a new electoral cycle.

It is scheduled that the door for candidacy for the Basketball Association elections will be opened on October 5, and it will continue for a week. week.

And the last period witnessed the opening of the door for candidacy and Magdy Abu Freikha submitting his candidacy papers for the presidency of the Federation, and a number of candidates for the membership seat.

The junior and junior basketball team will participate in the World Skills Championship, which will be held on October 9 and 10 at Cairo Stadium, led by Amr Abu El-Khair, the technical director.

The participation of the junior and junior teams in the tournament came after each of them won the African Championship title as the first group at the boys level and the second group at the girls’ level.

